Our General Pest Control Services cover common household pests, including:
Millipedes,Centipedes, Silverfish, House Ants (excluding Carpenter Ants), Crickets Spiders, Scorpions, Pillbugs, and Sowbugs. Additional pests may be added for an additional price.
We offer services ranging from one service a year to one service a month. We can even tailor a service to fit your exact needs. The service we recommend the most is the Quarterly Service.
Each service consists of the following components:
An interior crack and crevice treatment
An interior dusting at plumbing entrances
An exterior perimeter treatment (2 feet up and 3 feet out)
An exterior eave treatment
An exterior eave cleaning (initial treatment only)
Our general pest control services never require you to sign a contract of any length. This allows you to keep the service active for as long as you like with no penalty for canceling. If you do decide to cancel, you can always restart anytime.
Call today to schedule a diagnostic visit so that we can find the perfect service for your needs!